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read bio to understand me a bit better- LTO AND NWC for life LMC 4 life NWC~leader I like girls to date age:16 gravity falls fan club entertainment :music books and taking pictures and editing pictures. where I live : none of your business name:Haily with no E am I okay ?what does okay mean anymore? music is life its therapy for me it helps me with my feelings each song on this account is filled with emotion weather its happiness,pain,or sadness ,or even anger these songs express that. music is my life. life is not about me I understand some people go through and have been through way worse then I have.i don't understand some peoples pain I try to help and sometimes it doesn't work I lose people i love and care for I have been through so much in life but I gotta keep moving forward cause I know there are people in the world who care for me I get hurt but I also cause pain.I hurt people all the time but when I hurt them it hurts me too. I feel like a bad person when I do these things. I used to push everyone away but now I try to let people in I am not always such a nice person I can be very mean but I try my hardest to do my best for the people I call my friends for the people I say I love.i cant say I love or even like myself cause I would be lying I really hate myself for all the pain that I cause.IM SORRY TO THE PEOPLE I CAUSE PAIN.

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Haily (NWC:LTO:LMC)'s Following

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