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Hey guys, first of all thank you all for supporting me and my production LØGIC. *By the way, some of my music is recorded from my computer because I have a different style on MMJ there so that is why it may sound a little aired out...thanks for understanding.* You all are great jammers no matter how many followers! I started with 0 followers and 0 likes too, wishing for this moment to happen. I'm still rooting for a more successful song that you and I will enjoy together. All of my supporters, the 342 that are following me/liking my songs are great people and anyone should go listen to their music as well! Even the ones I'm following...Love you all!❤️❤️❤️ If you would like to join my production, just let me know in the comment section. Also don't take it personally if I don't follow you or like any of your songs right away, I may be at school or working at my job... All of you have potential and don't let it affect you if not a lot of people are liking your songs. Trust me I've been through it a thousand times... Also give my friend a listen, she just started but is amazing! - arrow.2002 IF YOU ENJOY ANY OF THESE TRACKS, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LISTEN TO MY OTHER ACCOUNT IF YOU'D LIKE: 1. Genova22 2. ŁØGÍĆ PRODUCTION

ELECTRO_22 {LØGIC}'s Following
ELECTRO_22 {LØGIC}'s Following

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