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Ayana Bot. c:


=avatar Args: Fetch and display the requested users avatar. =bad Anime reaction images when someone is being bad. =ban Args: [--reason ] [--days ] [--soft] [--hackban] Ban a user from the current server. =bigtext Args: [--spacesize ] [--addspace ] NEW Generates text with regional indicators =botlist Args: [pageNumber] Fetch public botlist counts from carbonitex.com =channelinfo Args: [channel] Display information about the requested channel. No arguments assumes channel executed in. =clean Ayana will clean up her last 100 replies. =donators List of people who help make Ayana possible =help Direct messages a list of commands. =info Displays general bot information and links. =inu NEW random.dog =invite Get Ayana's invite link =kick Args: [--reason ] Kick a user from the current server. =lenny Sends Lenny ascii emoji to channel ran in. =lewd Anime reaction imsages when something in chat is lewd. =linkcheck Args: Uses www.getlinkinfo.com to expand a link. Useful for seeing where a short link goes without risking clicking it. =locale Args: set [locale] [--guild] or locale list Update user and guild languages. Run with no arguments to see available locales. =modlog Very old modlog system never intended for public use. New users I suggest not using this. I will be fully rewriting this system and launching fresh with it. I will make an annoucement when that happens. =music Ayana's Music player. Run music with no arg in your server to see futher usage. =neko Get and send a random cat image from random.cat =pat NEW Headpat reaction images =perms See Permissions Overview =ping A quick way to determine if Ayana is online and can see your messages =pout Anime reaction image for when you just gotta pout. =prefix Display the prefix for the current server. =prune NEW Chat pruning and message deletion. Run prune with no args in your guild to see futher usage. =rank NEW SAR rank join interface =reminder Have ayana remind you about something. For more usage help run remind with no args. =roleinfo Args: Display information about the requested role. =rolemembers Args: Show a list of users in a role. =say Args: Have Ayana say something =sayd Args: Have Ayana say something but she will also delete your command message. =serverinfo Display information about the server ran in. =settings Settings system interface. Run the settings command in your guild for more info =shrug Send shrug ascii emoji to channel ran in. =smug Send smug anime reaction image. =shardinfo Display detailed information about Ayana's shards. =stats Display various bot information about current shard. =support Get Discord support server link. =userinfo Args: Display information about the requested user. =waa Anime reaction images when you just have to cry

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Ayana Bot. c:'s Following

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