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Chase Christopher Daniel DeWitt, known professionally as Mystic101 is an American rapper and songwriter known for his song “I” and for his hit single “Liquid Love”. He was originally born in Buffalo, New York, but when he was about 4 years old, he moved down to Orlando, Florida to live with his grandparents. Mystic101 has been in countless auditions trying to be in a commercial, or a movie. Since that wasn’t really working out as he expected, he decided to become a rapper. he’s had some experience with singing from his schools choral club, which lasted from 4th to 8th grade. He’s had multiple notices by famous artists including Philly Freeway and producers. He started his rapping career back in 2016 when he was only 14 years old, and now he’s 16 years old. One day he was scrolling on Instagram, when all of a sudden he got a text from a producer called Steps Necessary from Vancouver, Canada. They talked for awhile about songs and Steps Necessary wanting Mystic101 in his studio. Mystic101 took the offer and later started working together. Mystic101 became a huge success at is school and in public and sometimes even gets noticed. He later started being featured in songs and also featuring other people in his songs including (EhCee, Lil Uzi Vert, Drake, etc.) His dreams in the future is to move to Los Angeles, California to pursue his existing career.

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