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Richard Storm


hardship and tragedy defines me today, in not into much bad things once was a Alcoholic binge drinker to cold Turkey stopping that which was agonizing to the fullest I just like doing Meth because I enjoy it and helps my focus and energy stay crisp, two main things of doing this and not look like a zombie is to eat and sleep regularly while use ,but I dont let the drug over power my lifestyle and ways that's asking for it but I'd never influence it to anyone, I'm bound by morals and values I take them all seriously , i find myself artistic in writing and music in a very expressing sense, I'm deep because life has led me to be that way because life can be just bad for some people out there from alot of loss and abuse and neglect endured, but I am a humorous type of person and good at making other laugh, also I love to exspess myself in writing and music, inrealistically fashion not fakeness by anymeans.this world has alot of actors or fakes in it like most people can be , I have alot of Empathy and sympathy for others because I know what's it's like to hurt and relate, Im a deep caring person that would help the person in need and thats no bullshit i was Abandoned at age 16 by both parents in a house that was getting foreclosed my dad was hospitalized for years for a brain related illness and my mother left a note one morning and bailed state with some dude and drugs that she had problems badly with and i had to look after her so he wouldnt nod out at the dinner table or driving i was 13 when she started pills and my dad wasnt home cause he alwayed worked so i had to be there to keep her alive through high school until she left , i Express myself through my music and tell the story with my Jams and it helps me vent, now im fighting for my daughter to get custody cause she was beimg kepted from me for no reason just so some other scumbag could be my daughters dad and ive lost everything and i wont lose her so music is my life abd keeps me sane and i know my story isnt any new to people im sure theres alot of so i had worse or too bad type of people if they even read this but i just want to get people to know who i am and where ive came from to know what music they might be getting into but i diverse in multiple genres and all sorts of types of EDM and electro and in this game. I'm glad to be able to mix and show you all my musical creations. Always keep them Good Vibes going. its an honor to mix with others that share the passion.

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